2018 year end reflections

For me and my family, 2018 is a blessed year. Alex has finished his internship in Texas, returned to Seattle, obtained his PhD, started post-doc training in Lakewood. Max and Candy moved back to Seattle, sold their Minnesota home, started Max’s DNP program in Tacoma, Candy smoothly transitioned to a new career path in behavioral therapy, settled in the new condo.  Ada and Chris engaged more in Rainier Avenue Church, with small groups and ministry groups. RAC’s sunday service continued to inspire both of us spiritually. Chris and Ada enjoyed a trip to Norway, seeing the spectacular northern lights. Ada is seeing more clients this year and Chris enjoyed his retired life and volunteering opportunities….

However, 2018 is a tumultuous year for the US, Hong Kong, China and essentially the globe, in a variety of ways: economic, political, humanitarian… Tensions are high between US and China. Harmony between the US and “western” allies is disrupted. Chaos in the middle-east is transitioning to a new phase with civil war in Yemen, Syria, the presence of Russian troops and American weapons. Humanitarian crisis in Yemen is terrible. Chinese government is getting more and more tyrannical. Oppression of churches and dissenting citizens is rapidly increasing. In the US, the Trump administration is unraveling with frequent departure of key staffs. The ill effects of Trump’s irrational policies in trade and immigration are gradually appearing. The US is going through a partial government shutdown towards the end of 2018, with great uncertainties lying ahead.

Pray for the Chinese church which is going a period of severe trial. Pray for the Yemeni and the Palestinians in the Middle East. Pray for the Trump administration and in coming Democrat-dominating House of Representatives … the Lord puts Wisdom, Courage, Love in the people He places in various places to deliver His Grace and Power and Protect the weak and marginalized.  May the world see  Light and His Glory in 2019. Amen!