I don’t have anything against ACB as a candidate for the SCOTUS. The way the GOP/Conservatives push her to the SCOTUS will forever stain the SCOTUS, degrade its legitimacy and trust of the nation. The GOP/Conservatives’ politicizing the SCOTUS is detrimental to its constitutional function. M. McConnell was the culprit when he declined to put President Obama’s nomination to vote nine months before the election. This has been viewed as “negative packing” of the court for political reason. As ACB herself has noted in one of her speeches (l have listened to) that it is advisable to have a balance of “conservative” and “liberal” justices in the SCOTUS in order for it to properly fulfill its role. (I am paraphrasing. At that time, she was worrying that H Clinton would become president and fill four potential vacancies with “liberal” justices thus greatly upsetting the “balance”.) Any legitimate means to restore this “balance” in future is not only acceptable but also necessary.
Note: ACB refers to “liberal” and ”conservative” in a judicial sense: the approach to interpretation of the constitution, not in a political sense.